Reboot your health this winter

Here are some simple tips and advice on how to start this year on a healthy high:

  • Get your required amount of Vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential for healthy bones and in this country we should get most of what we need from sunlight exposure.

It's not known exactly how much time is needed in the sun to make enough vitamin D to meet the body's requirements, because there are a number of factors that can affect how vitamin D is made, such as your skin colour or how much skin you have exposed.

Government guidelines suggest everyone should supplement with Vitamin D during the Winter months due to lower levels of natural sunlight.

Sunlight on People

  • Watch your posture

A cosy Winter spent indoors catching up on the TV or speaking to friends online may have affected your posture.

Very often just thinking about how you are holding your head and shoulders can bring good improvements.

Remember to keep your back straight and relax your shoulders. They’ll naturally fall towards your back which will in turn bring your chin up. You can try this right now as you’re reading if you like, it’s how your body would prefer to be and as well as being better for your muscles, it just feels a lot more natural.

  • Think about your sleep

We all know a good night’s sleep makes you feel refreshed, but how often are you getting a really good one? Well, with a little bit of thought and effort you can train yourself to sleep better.

Person Sleeping

The light from TVs and screens in the bedroom have been found to disrupt sleeping patterns, so give yourself a set time to begin your wind down and turn off your devices. You should also try and go to bed at the same time every day so your body gets used to the pattern.

Try not to eat right before bed, but a drink is fine as long as it’s not caffeinated or alcoholic. While alcohol will initially help you to fall asleep, it will disrupt your sleep pattern later in the night. Some people say a warm drink helps, with milk, cocoa, honey and lemon too are common things to try.

Until next time, stay safe.

Dr Hilary

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